In The Early Morning Hours...

Good Morning Sun
When it's time to feed the horses in the morning - I sometimes have company of the mayor of the farm - "Lefty" who meets me down in the field to make sure that everyone is ok & well taken care of...

Spring Time Dances

A sure sign that spring is in the air - the mating dance of the male peacock. Here "Junior" is courting Ms. White with his fine display. This is the prelude to the 1st of two mating cycles that the peacocks will endure during the year. After each cycle, the male peacock(s) shed their tail feathers while the hen lays and sits on the eggs. Fall will begin the second cycle.

Welcome Ivy Rose


 We welcomed Ivy Rose to the world at approximately 5am 2-17-13. She weighs about 65 lbs. and is growing every minute. Her mother Rose, delivered her out behind the barn half way between the field & run-in shed - we brought her up into the barn before day-light - finished drying her off & making her warm - then it was onto getting a fresh bottle of the mother's milk. 

Ivy Rose is now four days old - hops around her stall - loves to eat and a good chin scratching. For now it's all about keeping warm and eating - by the end of the week we'll start the process of getting her use to being lead around so she's be easier to handle by the time she weighs over 1200 lbs.

Ivy's Mom, Rose enjoying some hay.

Sunny Sunday

Sunday's bright sun shine & cold temps made a great day for snowmobiling - this action shot was taken with a Canon EOS - the ample amount of light made it easy to get some of the action stopped with a slower shutter speed.

Any distance shots are not a problem...

Timing is everything...
A quick shot with the iphone after the storm early am - today I lost my phone - having to leave to another location to do some digging out - then wanting to use the camera on the phone again - no phone - couldn't really think when & where I could have dropped it - went to the ipad - downloaded the "find my iphone" app - logged in with apple & opened a screen with a map & the location of my phone pinging - drove to the location - close but still didn't know how I would hone in on the exact location - went to the ipad again - walked around the location - then hit a tab that said devices - clicked on "ping a sound" - from inside a garage from which I earlier used a snowblower from - a loud ping sound came - amazing - I had dropped it onto a piece of carpet - never seen it fall - would have never found it until summer - maybe - Thanks, "iapple"

Here's a shot from yesterday previous to the snow over night - standing out on the road makes a good perspective - at that point I think we already had 5 inches on the ground...